How to Get 1000 Visitors Day

Posted by Bloqx Husni on Monday, January 24, 2011

Getting a thousand visitors a day is every blogger's dream. Personally I often crave, crave it. Sometimes I like sad and say to myself: Can I get 1000 visitors a day? What should I do to achieve it?

I once found an Indonesian language blog about 1,200 visitors with page views 5,000. Amazingly, the blog has only about 10 posts. Incidentally the owner of another blog online, so I was chatting with him. He mentioned that 85% of visitors came from search engines. In other words, he advised me to sharpen SEO.

Ah, unfortunately I am bored with SEO. It's a lot I apply SEO techniques, but the results are not satisfactory. Is there a way to get a thousand visitors a day?
The answer is you can! How to utilize social bookmarking sites and forums from Indonesia.

how? my blog you are not Indonesian!
do not be discouraged, there's how ... if you want to submit to social bookmar and forums, to translate the title in the Indonesian, and the content of posts still use the language of your blog.

just tips, if you can post content using English. enough in the post title alone translate into Indonesian.
cation title: funny, strange, cruel, sinister, etc., or up to you which is important to make curious!
when can invite Indonesian people on facebook you later blog posts can be shared to yourfacebook

sorry .... too long xixixixi

The following social bookmarking Indonesia that could be used

1. Traffic News   ( Lintas Berita )

Traffic News is a social bookmarking site of my favorites. is a site that adapt accept article submissions from tens of thousands of members. Popular articles indicated with a given number of voting members. In my observation, the article gets voted 200 to above will be Article Hot. Meanwhile, an article a day to get 400-500 votes will be entered in the Top 10. How many visitors from the hot article and the Top 10? From my experience using my other blog, in an article hot day can bring in 500-700 visitors. While the article Top 10, could bring in from 1000 to 1800 visitors a day. address:
2. InfoGue
Unlike the Cross News, in an article InfoGue relatively easy to articles voting hot because of the relatively small value of 40-50 vote. Judging from the number of visitors, relatively fewer infogue give visitors the 100-200 visitors. address:
Kaskus (incite buzz) is the largest Indonesian community forum today. I myself have not joined this forum, but its potential to bring visitors as large as Cross News. By coincidence, yesterday there was a kind-hearted Kaskuser by sending him one of my posts KasKus. Surprisingly, visitors who come to reach 900 people. Combined visitors from Cross News, Infogue, and Kaskus can generate page views is large (translucent 15.600 page views a day). address:
More aboutHow to Get 1000 Visitors Day

list of blogs to yahoo

Posted by Bloqx Husni on Sunday, January 23, 2011

whether now your blog is really so? or maybe there are some who want to repair, if you think your blog is perfect. hereinafter step is to register your blog to search engines. why?
because by registering your blog to search engines, it can be easy to find people, and thus could increase the number of visitors. as I have said! prioritizing the list to popular search engines. like google, yahoo, MSN. for this time I will try to scout for a list of blogs to search engines yahoo.
when registering your blog to google already know, blia not know how to register your blog to google, click here

B. Blog / Web at Yahoo
1. Please visit : https: / / / submit

2. Click the Submit a Website or Web Page, enter your blog address, for example:, then click Submit URL

3. Click the Submit Site Feed, Enter your blog feeds, for example: you, (if the list on feedburner). Or: blog / atom.xml.
4. Then click Submit feed
5. Completed

sometime we discussed to register your blog to other search engines!

for those who want to share, please fill in your comment

More aboutlist of blogs to yahoo

Submit Blog To Search Engines

Posted by Bloqx Husni

Why we must Sign / Submit Blog To Search Engines?, of course for Blog or Web we immediately lookups on search engines or search engine, especially if the blog is new, For Search Engines, to say the key to bringing many visits to our web / blog .. then what if already lookups??, according to the reference that I read it's good we submit that URL periodically for example once a month, do not get too often because the future can be considered spam to the search engines much less the same.

We recommend starting a blog submit it to the major search engines or who already have a name like Google, Yahoo and MSN, new to the other search engines. ..

Now follows How to Register to Search Engine Google:

1. Go to his website is: http:/

2. Fill in the information requested on a form provided

3. URL -> fill with your blog address. instance =

4. Comments -> content with keywords in your blog

5. Optional -> input the code that is written in the box provided

6. Click Add URL

7. If true there will be kata2: Thank you, Your site URL has been succesfully added to our list of URLs to crawl

8. Done ..

happy bloging  !!!
More aboutSubmit Blog To Search Engines

post on facebook share

Posted by Bloqx Husni

One way to increase traffic is to promote via social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo Mim, and so forth. This time I will give way to promote your blog via Facebook.

1. Log in to check up with your ID.

2. In the Attach, click on the picture link.

3. Enter the URL of your post. Then click Attach.

4. Then tick the checkbox on the No thumbnail if you do not want any pictures in it.

5. Then click Share.

6. It would appear the word verification. Write accordance with the word verification image.

7. Then click Submit.

Well, that's how promotion via Facebook. Hopefully useful.

maybe there would be added, comment yes
More aboutpost on facebook share

27 How To Blog Visitors Always Winners

Posted by Bloqx Husni on Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sometimes rare to update the post. In the past few days, the amount of blog traffic can be decreased quite a lot. There are several ways that can be applied. From blogwalking, older to submit articles for free ad sites.
sometimes also the Alexa, even decreased. sometimes makes us confused, how to keep the number of visits to our blog again increased?
In order to find inspiration for the Alexa on the blog, can be increased. It turned out to increase the traffic there is a wide variety of ways. Well ... actually confused (dizziness) hehehehe ...

Stout how to create a blog can be noisy visitor 

There are 27 ways that blogs are always crowded with visitors, among others: 

1. Fill your blog with articles that a lot, people are more interested to visit the blog that rich content is not just a blog that has articles contain any kind of example only discuss about online business, blogs etc. tutorials. So as the blog owner, we must always make the articles of diverse topics / themes and of course the article should be completely qualified. This will make visitors more, and always craving to visit our blog. 

2. Perform the settings layout / design blog as interesting as possible, choose a template that you think are doing interesting and settlement layout as neat as possible. Blog layout and avoid a messy and less pleasant to look at. Because according to past experience, there is a visitor of my blog is always a routine visit because he was interested to see the arrangement of the front page of my blog, but I think the article kuposting less attractive. 

3. Use a blog name that is easy to remember. Catchy blog name will make our blogs more frequently visited. 

4. Try to write articles on other web sites, because according to experience, many website owners who like to collect good articles to be uploaded on their site. Maybe this is one opportunity that is often wasted by the bloggers beginner like me. Due to contribute an article for another site will make us become more popular blogs in cyberspace. Believe it or not, please see for yourself. There are several sites that used to gather articles, among others,,, and 

5. For a new blog to do the press release (press release), this method proved powerful enough to promote a new blog to the world. There are several sites that can be used as a venue for the promotion of our new blog include:,, and
6. Actively join in the forums, this proved quite powerful way to bring visitors to your blog. You can join MyLot. 

7. Always give the identity / tagging on each image / picture that you upload on each post. Give the image keywords in the tag "alt" & "title" 

8. Create a blog as a place of discussion, which should be done is to immediately provide feedback on each new comment. Because many visitors who are interested in bloggers who are dynamic (rapid response to any new comment) 

9. Make a post to other blogs, each making a link to another blog post, will automatically create a trackback, or better known as the pingback. And if their blog trackbacks enabled, then you will get a linkback. 

10. Install the plugin Google Analistyc, because with google analityc installed then you can continuously control the statistic keywords used by visitors in search of your blog on search engines. Surely this will facilitate us in menyisipi effective keywords in each article. 

11. Often another blog comment, Maybe this way the easiest way for our blog is known by other visitors. Because almost 100 percent each will give a comment, you are required to write your name and your web page. This method is also quite effective also in increasing pegerank because if we DoFollow blog commenting, then we also automatically get a backlink

12. Do braided friendship with other bloggers by exchanging links, it is also powerful enough to raise the amount of traffic to our blog

13. Make the title of the article is interesting and raises the curiosity of visitors to want to read the contents of this article. 

14. Always do submit new articles to social bookmarking sites, is quite effective way to bring thousands of visitors. Do submit articles to social sites like,, etc..  

15. Linkbond Make as much as possible on each article, to form a fabric article. If there is one article of interest to visit and in the article has links to other articles, the majority of visitors will visit the other articles. And of course this will make the value of page views increased 

16. Use Feedburner for people subscribe to your blog. When someone subscribe to your blog via RSS or get your blog updates via email, they will see your post when there is nothing new. This will be vital to keep the readers keep in touch with your blog and attract them back. 

17. Write a post pillar. Pillar post not just a list post. Pillar post be an essence of your blog. Potingan is usually long, authoritative, and instructional. Pillar post takes a long time to write. You must link to the pillar post in your blog as much as possible & make sure the pillar post to get the most attention. Pillar post will get lots of links & bring lots of traffic. 

18. Make your blog as a means to entertain visitors, the majority of visitors want to get something that makes them come back bright and fresh. Make an article that contains a joke-joke that is far from pornography. 

19. Put polls on your blog, visitors want to always see the results of the poll which is your blog.

20. Perform SEO Optimization, want to know how to do SEO optimization please click 

21. Order reviews through ReviewMe or another. If you order a review on another blog with ReviewMe or PayPerPost people will read about your blog. Review is the best way you advertise your blog to get a faithful reader 

22. If you have excess funds, do the purchase of advertising on Google Adwords. 

23. Put a picture / image in each article, most visitors are drawn to the picture in advance compared with the title and contents of the article. So give the picture is quite interesting, for the visitors interested in visiting your blog. 

24. Create a review of a product, If you make a good review of a product, it will be the concern of those who were interested in these products. Make a review of a product are more loved today. 

25. Sharing. Make your blog as a means of sharing various kinds of knowledge, experiences about everything you have. 

26. Always be yourself. Most visitors like the blog is really uniqe, other than the other. Because usually these blogs will serve as a source of inspiration for other visitors. 

27. Do not ever give in to always develop your blog. Starting from the number of quality articles and blog articles themselves.

Similarly, 27 ways to make the blog is always crowded with visitors, I hope this simple article could help in increasing the number of blog visitors. If you have any other way, please fill in the comment box. Suggestions and criticism I will receive

Hopefully useful.

More about27 How To Blog Visitors Always Winners

Install the breadcrumb on the blog

Posted by Bloqx Husni on Friday, January 21, 2011

How to create a breadcrumb is different from the way I've ever posted before, because it makes the breadcrumb on the blog this second way, then each of us make use of many labels will not be many of our post title in the navigation breadcrumb, for those who already make use of the way first , please in the first standarkan or removed before the code,

First, the incoming bloggers

Edit HTML check Expand Widget Templates

and enter the CSS code below the above code : ]]></b:skin>

.breadcrumbs {
padding:5px 5px 5px 0px;
margin: 0px 0px 15px 0px;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom:3px double #e6e4e3;

After that look for code like this :

<b:includable id='main' var='top'>
<!-- posts -->
<div class='blog-posts hfeed'>
<b:include data='top' name='status-message'/&gt;

If you have found to delete and replace with code like this:

<b:includable id='breadcrumb' var='posts'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.homepageUrl == data:blog.url'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div class='breadcrumbs'>
Browse &#187; <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl' rel='tag'>porch</a>
<b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'>
<b:if cond='data:post.labels'>
<b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
<b:if cond='data:label.isLast == &quot;true&quot;'> &#187;
<a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag'><></a>
&#187; <span><data:post.title/></span>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;archive&quot;'>
<div class='breadcrumbs'>
Browse &#187; <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>porch</a> &#187; Archive for <data:blog.pageName/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<div class='breadcrumbs'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageName == &quot;&quot;'>
Browse &#187; <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>porch</a> &#187; All Articles
Browse &#187; <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>porch</a> &#187; Articles In Category <data:blog.pageName/>
<b:includable id='main' var='top'>
<!-- posts -->
<div class='blog-posts hfeed'>
<b:include data='top' name='status-message'/>
<b:include data='posts' name='breadcrumb'/>


Your comments please, about this article

happy bloging
More aboutInstall the breadcrumb on the blog