If you feel a beginner and do not know how, learn SEO is good and right, and where to start because of dizziness seen many SEO tips-tricks offered the bloggers who are really essentially the same. Keep stay tuned, it's here. I will provide a variety of basic key to optimize the blog more SEO friendly. Tips that I give is from the observation and experience are self-taught variety. Also in part learn from the master of SEO.
SEO stands for Search or Engige Optimization, is a technique used to how to optimize our blog for preferred search engige (Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc) and visitors. If your blog more SEO friendly then the ranking position in the SERP (Search Engige Result Pages) would be better and could be in first place. So that the level of visitors who come to our blog will also increase traffic.
Learn SEO, is actually quite easy as long as we have to persevere and try pobud. Memaintenance our blog as possible. There are two basic keys to learn SEO for the beginner is with On Page Optimization (Optimization in the blog page) and Off Page Optimization (Optimization outside blog page.)
1. ON PAGE OPTIMIZATION There are two things that must be considered to optimize the blog in the page itself, namely: Blogs and Content attributes Attribute.
A. Blog Attribute :
SEO stands for Search or Engige Optimization, is a technique used to how to optimize our blog for preferred search engige (Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc) and visitors. If your blog more SEO friendly then the ranking position in the SERP (Search Engige Result Pages) would be better and could be in first place. So that the level of visitors who come to our blog will also increase traffic.
Learn SEO, is actually quite easy as long as we have to persevere and try pobud. Memaintenance our blog as possible. There are two basic keys to learn SEO for the beginner is with On Page Optimization (Optimization in the blog page) and Off Page Optimization (Optimization outside blog page.)
1. ON PAGE OPTIMIZATION There are two things that must be considered to optimize the blog in the page itself, namely: Blogs and Content attributes Attribute.
A. Blog Attribute :
• Domain Name: or url address of your blog like hmubaraq.blogspot.com, actual domain name these days is not considered anymore in terms of SEO. Usually we focus to include our keywords as domain names, but it would be better if you use the domain name easy to remember, cool, easy-called, and no more than 2 phrases.
• Title Blog: can use the same name as domain name, but even better if you use the same blog name with your prime keyword. Do not be too long by about 80 characters. If you want to give the title dizziness what blog you love your own just like my name h'mubaraq Blog.
• Posting Title: to be clear, concise and solid, must be unique and at times controversial. And the most urgent need in accordance with the contents. See tips on how members post's title is good and right in another article in this blog.
• Meta Tag: is a text that is hidden in the head tags in your HTML pages. Form of explanation overall description of your blog and your main keyword descriptions. Meta tags are one of the most prominent used by some search engige to index our blog. The length of your description meta tag should be less than 80 characters.
• Blog Template Design: actually a lot of templates / layouts that SEO Friendly but you need to take is to find a template that strukutur code top content from other sections. Try to refresh your blog page and watch the first part of what first appears, if the sidebar first emerged from the content the content then it's not good, not SEO friendly. What should be the first content item.
• Picture: if your article also contained a picture will be even better. Take advantage of attributr ALT. Please insert your keywords in the ALT code in the image script. For example like this <a href="http://hmubaraq.blogspot.com/2009/05/cerita-pendek-mencari-tuhan.html"> <img src = "http://i539.photobucket.com/albums/ ff358/pancapanci/mencarituhan.jpg "border =" 0 "alt =" find god "/> </ a>
• Heading Tags: pay attention to the structure of their HTML heading tags such as H1, H2, or H3 where as a sign of how important the title of your item. Heading tags are well-liked by google
• Title Blog: can use the same name as domain name, but even better if you use the same blog name with your prime keyword. Do not be too long by about 80 characters. If you want to give the title dizziness what blog you love your own just like my name h'mubaraq Blog.
• Posting Title: to be clear, concise and solid, must be unique and at times controversial. And the most urgent need in accordance with the contents. See tips on how members post's title is good and right in another article in this blog.
• Meta Tag: is a text that is hidden in the head tags in your HTML pages. Form of explanation overall description of your blog and your main keyword descriptions. Meta tags are one of the most prominent used by some search engige to index our blog. The length of your description meta tag should be less than 80 characters.
• Blog Template Design: actually a lot of templates / layouts that SEO Friendly but you need to take is to find a template that strukutur code top content from other sections. Try to refresh your blog page and watch the first part of what first appears, if the sidebar first emerged from the content the content then it's not good, not SEO friendly. What should be the first content item.
• Picture: if your article also contained a picture will be even better. Take advantage of attributr ALT. Please insert your keywords in the ALT code in the image script. For example like this <a href="http://hmubaraq.blogspot.com/2009/05/cerita-pendek-mencari-tuhan.html"> <img src = "http://i539.photobucket.com/albums/ ff358/pancapanci/mencarituhan.jpg "border =" 0 "alt =" find god "/> </ a>
• Heading Tags: pay attention to the structure of their HTML heading tags such as H1, H2, or H3 where as a sign of how important the title of your item. Heading tags are well-liked by google
B. Content Attribute :
• Keywords (Keyword): pilihlan keywords that you fired into your article, put the keywords that many people are looking for. Keyword is the primary topic of the main ideas in your article pages. Through keyword search engige vote on your article in the SERP.
• Number of Keywords: hanging with the length of your articles, but usually in one article should consist of 2-5 keywords. Too many keywords can be a boomerang, it will be considered spam by search engige content.
• Keyword Positions: should be at the beginning of sentences in first paragraph and last paragraph. But do not stare at it, make a natural and relevant to other words so nice to read. Do not just shoot the keyword, because not just search engige your goals are still there you loyal visitors who must be considered. Really not?
• Number of Backlinks: is a link that directed to your blog from other blogs. Find out as much as possible. How to find some like to exchange links with other bloggers, writing quality content and useful so that other bloggers have volunteered to give a backlink to you.
• Quality of backlinks: backlinks which is good must be relevant to the topic, backlinks from blogs with high Pagerank. The more quality backlinks you get, the better your blog in the SERP. Remember do not ever exchange links from link farm.
It seems like that to learn basic tips on SEO than me, if you feel there are missing or wrong please give comments that would with the solution. I'm sure if you are able to follow the instructions on your blog would be more popular in search engige and will certainly have a higher visitor traffic.
And one more thing, do not ever neglect and spent lots of time to learn SEO to forget to create / write an article. Because I also never experienced it, before I was too busy taking care of optimizing blogs and rarely post the article because it was too focused to optimize the blog. But now I realized that was "Content is King".
• Keywords (Keyword): pilihlan keywords that you fired into your article, put the keywords that many people are looking for. Keyword is the primary topic of the main ideas in your article pages. Through keyword search engige vote on your article in the SERP.
• Number of Keywords: hanging with the length of your articles, but usually in one article should consist of 2-5 keywords. Too many keywords can be a boomerang, it will be considered spam by search engige content.
• Keyword Positions: should be at the beginning of sentences in first paragraph and last paragraph. But do not stare at it, make a natural and relevant to other words so nice to read. Do not just shoot the keyword, because not just search engige your goals are still there you loyal visitors who must be considered. Really not?
• Number of Backlinks: is a link that directed to your blog from other blogs. Find out as much as possible. How to find some like to exchange links with other bloggers, writing quality content and useful so that other bloggers have volunteered to give a backlink to you.
• Quality of backlinks: backlinks which is good must be relevant to the topic, backlinks from blogs with high Pagerank. The more quality backlinks you get, the better your blog in the SERP. Remember do not ever exchange links from link farm.
It seems like that to learn basic tips on SEO than me, if you feel there are missing or wrong please give comments that would with the solution. I'm sure if you are able to follow the instructions on your blog would be more popular in search engige and will certainly have a higher visitor traffic.
And one more thing, do not ever neglect and spent lots of time to learn SEO to forget to create / write an article. Because I also never experienced it, before I was too busy taking care of optimizing blogs and rarely post the article because it was too focused to optimize the blog. But now I realized that was "Content is King".
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